Elsa Schiaparelli: a major source of inspiration

Elsa Schiaparelli was a major source of inspiration for many fashion designers for decades,  and she was ahead of her time. Her unique design influenced the way many artists approached design. She was also unafraid to experiment with new materials and techniques, which helped to push the boundaries of fashion. In this post I ll explain why I do love her.

Schiaparelli’s fashion was creative, eccentric, fun, and shocking. Schiaparelli came from a privileged background, which may have contributed to her nonconformist attitude. Schiaparelli’s mother was an aristocrat and her father was a dean at the University of Rome. Schiaparelli was exposed to ancient cultures and religious rites from a young age, which later influenced her fashion designs.

In 1911, Schiaparelli wrote a volume of poems based on the ancient Greek myth of Arethusa. Schiaparelli studied philosophy at the University of Rome, but she was bored with the privileged, conservative lifestyle of her family. She left Rome to England to look after orphaned children, but she soon left England for Paris. Read more