Entries by Bd

El sentido de la belleza en el mundo: perspectiva de Broken Diva

En un mundo desbordante de diversidad, el concepto de belleza permanece como uno de los ideales más universalmente exaltados, aunque interpretado de manera variable. Desde las soleadas playas de Brasil hasta las efervescentes calles de Tokio, cada cultura forja su propia definición de belleza. En Broken Diva, una marca de moda que se inspira en […]

Vive la femme!

I’m thrilled by the work of Elsa Schiaparelli, Sade, and Rihanna, as a woman fashion designer, because they each bring something unique and inspiring to the fashion world. Elsa Schiaparelli was a pioneer in the world of fashion. She was one of the first female designers to gain recognition in the 1920s, and her bold […]

Elsa Schiaparelli: a major source of inspiration

Elsa Schiaparelli was a major source of inspiration for many fashion designers for decades,  and she was ahead of her time. Her unique design influenced the way many artists approached design. She was also unafraid to experiment with new materials and techniques, which helped to push the boundaries of fashion. In this post I ll […]